Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
And then as I'm located there - there were - in Linz was like that, there was - at the Linz hospital I've been to school. And in Linz, I had typhoid fever. And in Linz bombs are dropped because of the "Göring-works." Day and night we had an alarm. And I had to do night duty one months, had 40 men. And one day the - they tell me, "Sister Bianca, where the blue envelope in the Gift Box?" One has to - drugs box .. Gift Box said. As I said, "Have not I seen, I do not know." - "There comes the Gestapo. Until then, if you do not have, then we have to lock up." - "Thanks," I said, "it is very stylish. First one nurse is working, and then you eingsperrt because one should know where the stuff is." There were hours - I said: "I do not." It is stolen, I have no suspicions. Ah yes. As one nurse says that I have called in to help because I could not have 40 freshly operated alone - together I could not. And there came such a young student and says, "Well, sister, Bianca, last night I heard a Plumser." - "Have you reported that?" "No." They have all been investigated, of course, the Gestapo. Then I said - then I run the Gestapo after - then I think to myself: "No, you better turn around and see what makes." And I've found under the desk of the doctors in a paper hunt around, even though everything has already been viewed. Since she has had in the back all the jewelry the means. Then I asked her later: "Why did you do that?" - "I have rings used and needed money, I wanted to marry." And the arms was then picked up by the Gestapo. And as I was then the Gestapo and then had meant: "As a young Dingerl" - you will not have mercy. And so it has been going on.